First Grade Lesson Study

Below are artifacts from the First Grade Team’s two day lesson study cycle. You will find the agenda, the student interview used to collect data, their research lesson ideas and findings. At the end of the document are also links to a blank Lesson Plan Template and an example of a Lesson Plan from another first grade team that had the opportunity to work on a lesson study cycle over a semester.


8:00Introductions – warm up
8:25 Getting the big picture
What have our first graders learned so far this year?
Where do we want them to be by the end of the year?
What is the gap?
Content to be learned
Habits of mind to develop
9:00Data Collection : One -on -one math assessment/interview on greater than and less than.
10:20Looking at curriculum and research. Deepening our own understanding of the concepts we teach. Reading: “Teaching Number Sense” by Sharon Griffin, Educational Leadership. Review of Kathy Richardson, Developing Number Concepts.
11:00Discussion of research and picking a teaching topic for our Research Lesson.
12:45Planning a Research lesson for Wednesday
Student practice goal
Unit goal
Lesson goal
Sequence of events
Points to notice
Data collection ideas
2:45Summary of the day and tasks for tomorrow.
8:00Review of the lesson. Further investigation of research on the topic.
9:00Research Lesson in first classroom
9:35Debrief the lesson and plan for revisions in the second classroom
9:50Research Lesson in second classroom
10:40Debrief both lessons, sharing data collected on student learning and drawing conclusions about student strengths and areas for growth.
12:45Backward planning the next unit. Designing a series of lessons.
Where do we want students to be?
What will they be able to do and say?
What experiences will they need to have to accomplish these goals?
How will we know they have gotten there?
2:45Closing – how can we continue to support you?